Saturday, January 15, 2011

Biography Artist Hollywood Jonas Brothers

.. English:
Born: 2005
One of the most popular youth group in the 2000s, Jonas Brothers made a pop anthem power hook-filled blood vessels McFly, Hanson, and the Modern Lovers. Young New Jersey natives (while preparing their 2006 debut, brothers Joseph, Kevin, and Nicholas Jonas held out in 16, 17, and 13, respectively) reared in the city of Wyckoff under the supervision of parents music. Nicholas showed a particular talent for singing, with the age of six years, he has started a modest career as a player on Broadway. Young vocalists also took an interest in songwriting, even co-wrote the song Christmas in year 2002 with his father. sufficient executive Several years later, it has been riveting, soulful sound at Daylight / Columbia Records to warrant a solo album, and Nicholas began writing original material with the help of two brothers. song siblings' impress the president of Columbia, who ultimately signed the trio in 2005.
full-length debut of the Jonas Brothers', It's About Time, was released in August 2006. Displaying talent to write songs Desmond Child and Fountains of Wayne's Adam Schlesinger, the album peaking at number 91 in the Billboard charts and won a simple spectator brothers, especially among the fans of Radio Disney. However, the Jonas Brothers were dropped from the list of Columbia in early 2007. They bounced back by signing a deal with Hollywood Records, a label owned by Disney who helped the group exponentially expand its fan base. Sophomore eponymous album, Jonas Brothers, arrived on August 2007, supported by a number of Jonas Brothers appearances on various Disney Channel programs. The band also toured in support of the record, selling out shows coast to coast - including the stop at the Gibson Amphitheater in Los Angeles that shows sold out the fastest in the history of the place.
Television reality show Jonas Brothers: Living the Dream documented the band's life on the road, and the presence of TV band followed up jointly by the Rock Camp, 2008 Disney Channel television movie featuring the brothers and up-and-coming star Demi Lovato. The film was watched by nearly nine million viewers and launched the Jonas Brothers 'next single, "Burnin' Up," which helped whet demand for the release of A Little Bit Longer later that year. In 2009, the trio released a 3D Experience Music from the concert, along with a concert film of the same name. Later that year, they released their fourth studio album, Lines, Vines and Trying Times. At the early 2010's Nick Jonas Nick Jonas & Government released the project Who I Am, the album built on the R & B-oriented Lines, Vines. During the summer of 2010, the next series Jonas Brothers' Disney, Jonas LA, launched with an accompanying soundtrack, and the group also appeared in the film is made-for-TV Channel's Camp Rock 2 the sequel to the 2008 film that also has its own soundtrack. Christopher james seller, Rovi 
.. Indonesia:
Lahir: 2005

Salah satu kelompok remaja yang paling populer tahun 2000-an, Jonas Brothers dibuat lagu kebangsaan daya pop hook-mengisi pembuluh darah McFly, Hanson, dan Modern Lovers. New Jersey muda pribumi (sambil menyiapkan 2006 debut mereka, saudara-saudara Yusuf, Kevin, dan Nicholas Jonas menduduki keluar di 16, 17, dan 13, masing-masing) dipelihara di kota Wyckoff di bawah pengawasan orang tua musik. Nicholas menunjukkan bakat tertentu untuk menyanyi, dengan usia enam tahun, ia telah memulai karir sederhana sebagai pemain Broadway. Vokalis muda juga menaruh minat pada penulisan lagu, bahkan bersama-menulis lagu Natal di tahun 2002 bersama ayahnya. cukup eksekutif Beberapa tahun kemudian, suara soulful nya telah memukau pada Daylight / Columbia Records untuk menjamin album solo, dan Nicholas mulai menulis bahan asli dengan bantuan dari dua saudaranya. lagu itu saudara kandung 'terkesan presiden Columbia, yang akhirnya menandatangani trio pada tahun 2005.

full-length debut The Jonas Brothers ', It's About Time, dirilis pada bulan Agustus 2006. Menampilkan bakat menulis lagu Anak Desmond dan Fountains of Wayne's Adam Schlesinger, album memuncak di nomor 91 di tangga lagu Billboard dan meraih bersaudara penonton sederhana, terutama antara para fans dari Radio Disney. Namun demikian, Jonas Brothers dijatuhkan dari daftar Columbia pada awal 2007. Mereka bangkit kembali dengan menandatangani dengan Hollywood Records, label milik Disney yang membantu kelompok eksponensial memperluas basis penggemar nya. Eponymous album sophomore, Jonas Brothers, tiba pada bulan Agustus 2007, didukung oleh sejumlah penampilan Jonas Brothers pada berbagai program Disney Channel. Band ini juga tur dalam mendukung catatan, menjual habis menunjukkan pantai ke pantai - termasuk berhenti di Gibson Amphitheater di Los Angeles yang menunjukkan terjual habis tercepat dalam sejarah tempat itu.

Televisi reality show Jonas Brothers: Living the Dream didokumentasikan kehidupan band di jalan, dan kehadiran TV band itu ditindaklanjuti bersama oleh Camp Rock, 2008 Disney Channel film televisi yang menampilkan saudara-up-dan-datang bintang Demi Lovato. Film ini ditonton oleh hampir sembilan juta pemirsa dan meluncurkan Jonas Brothers 'berikutnya tunggal, "Burnin' Up," yang membantu mengasah permintaan pembebasan A Little Bit Longer akhir tahun itu. Pada tahun 2009, trio ini merilis Musik dari Konser Pengalaman 3D, bersama dengan sebuah film konser dengan nama yang sama. Belakangan tahun itu, mereka merilis album studio keempat mereka, Lines, Vines dan Mencoba Times. Pada awal 2010, Nick Jonas Nick Jonas sisi proyek & Pemerintahan dirilis Siapa aku Am, sebuah album yang dibangun di atas R & B berorientasi Lines, Vines. Selama musim panas tahun 2010, seri berikutnya Jonas Brothers 'Disney, Jonas LA, diluncurkan dengan soundtrack yang menyertainya, dan kelompok juga muncul dalam film dibuat-untuk-TV channel's Camp, Rock 2 sekuel dari film tahun 2008 yang juga punya soundtrack sendiri. Christopher james penjual, Rovi


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