Tuesday, May 31, 2011

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  • ct2k7
    Apr 16, 11:12 AM
    Which leads me to believe Apple may be going for a design like this:


    After the iPad, I agree. but it's an iPhone.

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  • Michaelgtrusa
    Mar 6, 07:18 PM
    Apple makes what?

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  • tvachon
    Jan 9, 09:24 AM
    Sweet, somthing to check out post work, pre gym!

    How long is the keynote speech anyway?

    2 hours this time around, which is significantly longer than most keynotes Steve does.

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  • Popeye206
    May 3, 11:21 PM
    and if you ask an owner they'd say "why the heck does it still checkerboard on Safari when we try to scroll, that's why we sold the iPad 1". :o :(

    Literally the only reason for my upgrade was the checkerboard lag. Still does it. Maybe by iPad 4 it'll be fixed.

    Wow... I rarely run across the checkerboard on mine and when I do it's gone in a second or two. Not obtrusive.

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  • twoodcc
    May 13, 06:07 AM
    argh that makes it hard then. change BIOS settings? what on earth is wrong with your computers lol! they should just restart after a blackout (with correct settings of course) - then away it goes.

    well with overclocking, if something goes wrong, to fix it, you've gotta go into the BIOS. it will restart as normal, but the problem will keep happening, and it'll keep crashing and restarting

    you should disable HT - you would get more performance, which = more units! :D

    (edit: as stated in the other folding thread - my rate has gone down to 13.9x folding speed with 4 core (whatever that means), before with 8threads it was ~16x. )

    i have heard people disabling HT, but not many. i'll just stick to what works for me

    thats on my OSX 10.5.7 hackintosh - is that possible do you think?

    GPU folding right now only works in windows

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  • 840quadra
    Sep 25, 12:02 PM
    Look at the new requirements page...


    Apple must have tweaked it VERY much. Will make it available to more people based on the new hardware and expanded video support.

    Even the NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra and Intel Mac Mini.

    Great eye bselack!

    I can now run Aperture on my G5 with the stock graphics card! Granted I am upgrading it at the end of the year, however now I am not forced to do so!

    Thanks for the pointer! I am definitely going to get aperture now. Lightroom just doesn't have the feel I like.

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  • Messy
    Apr 26, 10:13 AM
    I don't read into the results as you might have. This doesn't seem to show manipulation in any of the areas of this photo that are contested and news-worthy. I see an image that has been reproduced and resaved maybe a handful of times before it reached distribution here...

    Anyone have any guesses at the extra icons depicted in that folder? The last may be the new facetime, but what of the two before that?

    It suggests that the folders have been manipulated, additionally looking at the pixel width and height they are not uniform, suggesting stretching.

    Theres also no real reason why it should be a grainy image, even if taken with a camera phone.

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  • islesguy81
    Mar 25, 12:23 AM
    Happy Birthday!:apple::D

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  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 07:52 AM
    Aussie iTMS just showing the "The Store is Busy" dialogue. No splash page, just a little box.

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  • �algiris
    Mar 25, 02:56 AM
    Ridiculous? I defy you to name one thing (http://arstechnica.com/apple/reviews/2003/04/finder.ars) that Apple has fixed in the single-worst, most user-hostile app ever written for the Mac!

    To a bad dancer even balls hinder movement.

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  • longofest
    Oct 28, 02:57 PM
    That's hardly surprising. I'm more interested in the 100% legal bit - it's interesting that Apple hasn't yet moved to explicitly ban running OS X on non-Apple hardware.

    It's not necessarily illegal to run Darwin on non-Apple hardware, which is much of the goals of the OSx86 project. The source as it comes from Apple will only run on Apple hardware mainly due to EFI and some other stuff. The GUI is what seems to be so tied to the TPM circuitry, which is what OSx86 is NOT touching and why they say it's still legal.

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  • QCassidy352
    Sep 28, 12:24 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    I love it. This is similar to the house I'd build if I had his money. I don't get the appeal of a 40 room palace. If I wouldn't use it, I don't want it. This is simple, elegant, and spacious enough for ample comfort.

    Now hopefully these pretty town bureaucrats approve this in short order and then get back to their usual important functions, like telling people what colors they can paint their mailboxes.

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  • Music_Producer
    Jan 12, 04:20 AM
    and just for the record, i don't want platium apple phone with surround sound speaker floating around it. ew.

    I think people's first reaction to see a phone with speakers floating in air.. would be 'wow.. WTF!' instead of 'ew'

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  • rhett7660
    Apr 28, 08:10 PM
    How long are you going to test this before it becomes official and stays?

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 23, 08:24 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    Who is this "untoward person"?

    What would the "issue" be?

    e.g. paedophile. Issue is rather obvious.

    How would they acquire the data? How would they know this is a young person they actually want to follow? Couldn't they just follow them home from somewhere? Does the person need to lose their phone for a danger to occur? Does this paedophile need to have a phone with them?

    The tracking that is occurring is by cell tower identification when someone is in range of one. Will the paedophile have access to a spy satellite to zero in on the exact location of an individual?

    I'm still not buying it.

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  • kudukudu
    Jan 15, 03:32 PM
    i agree. I think it would have made sense to drop them in price in line with the mac pro update...and they didnt

    I agree with you. The specifications of, say, the Dell 3008WFP really blow the 30" ACD out of the water: newer panel, every connection technology you could ever think of, etc.

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  • Rocketman
    Oct 28, 04:48 PM
    It's not necessarily illegal to run Darwin on non-Apple hardware, which is much of the goals of the OSx86 project. The source as it comes from Apple will only run on Apple hardware mainly due to EFI and some other stuff. The GUI is what seems to be so tied to the TPM circuitry, which is what OSx86 is NOT touching and why they say it's still legal.

    Maybe, but they explicitly mention TPM is available as a pirated item from bit torrent, and, the first high bandwidth mirror they added was located in CHINA, piracy central.

    It seems to me the point of the exercise from the point of view of the authors is to make a great hack. We can safely say they have accomplished that. They are now famous to a degree as well, even though they cannot spell worth a sh|t. At least they are stoned and insane :)

    The point of USERS of this, is to combine the legal hack with illegal TPM cracks, and combine them onto commodity hardware to run a MacOS environment without paying a dime to Apple whatsoever.

    Plenty of Apple high end software has been "cracked" so one can get it and use it for free if one is so inclined, or in the case of the Chinese, insulated from recourse by a sympathetic government.

    In the final analysis there is a vast number of people working hard to get past copyright and avoid paying the author for their work. That is illegal to some degree in every country, or at minimum, by treaty with the USA.

    I am not sure what tangible benefits have flowed to Apple by having the OS code as open source. It may be as simple as window dressing to attract developers who actually use Xcode anyway in the real world. But if there are any tangible benefits they have escaped my notice.

    Leopard will tightly couple TPM and do other tricks to further harden it, but somebody will crack it. If by no other means than by making a pirated ROM chip for hack motherboards.

    Meanwhile CPU sales are up 30%.


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  • gr8ful
    Jan 9, 10:52 AM
    My speculations from another thread:

    I see Macworld shaping up to be all about portability, accessibility, & expanded functionality. So I expect to see:

    - refresh of the mb pro laptops, possibly even a refresh of the macbooks
    - iPod touch with 32gb
    - the ultraportable announced and positioned in between the macbook and the mb pro
    - multi-touch tablet with a 7 inch screen, 32gb ssd, wifi and bt, isight camera
    - I believe Apple will wait till later in the year to announce the availability of a 3G iPhone which will come with 16gb

    - iTunes movie rentals and expanded selection for purchase
    - Ability to download movies, tv shows, podcasts, etc over wifi (iPhone, iPod touch, & tablet)

    Expanded functionality
    - iPhone/iPod touch update with all features that were leaked and few surprises like (ichat, copy & paste, finder w/coverflow, doc/e-book reader)
    - Full preview of the SDK for the iPhone, iPod touch & new tablet
    - Announcement of a number of third party apps for the iPhone & iPod touch available for download thru iTunes
    - Ability to use 'back to my mac' feature with iPhone, iPod touch, & new tablet

    Out-on-a-limb prediction: Announcement of iWork touch, a version of iWork for the iPhone, iPod touch, & new tablet with a reworked UI that works better with a touch interface.

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  • radiohead14
    May 3, 03:02 PM
    1. Root
    2. XDA Forum
    3. Side load
    4. ???
    5. Winning.

    it's amazing what those XDA devs could do. great helpful community there.

    Jan 9, 01:42 PM
    so is arn gonna post in this thread or do I have to watch the actual story for the link?

    Oct 28, 02:21 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Apple appears to have pulled the publicly accessible Mac OS 10.4.8 Source Code (Darwin, the open-source foundation of OS X, and XNU, Darwin's open-source kernel), leaving only developers with ADC log-ins with access to the code (public link (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/), ADC link (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/tarballs/apsl/))

    Earlier this week, the OSx86 project (http://osx86project.org/) released a version of the 10.4.8 kernel (http://semthex.freeflux.net/blog/archive/2006/10/24/haleluja-it-s-done.html) that was hailed to be 100% legal according to the APSL and run on any x86 machine. Prior to this release, Apple's code would only run on Apple's hardware due to various dependencies (such as EFI).

    Jan 6, 02:24 AM
    I can't wait! I'm having trouble sleeping nights... :p

    Patrick J
    Apr 15, 04:06 PM
    Which holes are those? All the holes in those pictures correspond correctly to the holes on my 3G.

    Bottom: Speaker, screw, dock, screw, microphone
    Side: Volume rocker, vibrate switch
    Back: Camera

    So you have a humongous hole on the side?

    Mr. McMac
    Jul 27, 03:54 PM
    The Volt should sell for no more than $20,000. What a ripoff!!!!

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